Current duties of obedience
Current duties of obedience
Свято-Троицкий Ново-Голутвин монастырьPublishing
The club of animals’ amateurs
The club of animals’ amateurs
Convent choir
Convent choir
Icon-painting studio'Вверх по структуре / UpНазад / BackВерсия для печати / Print version

The icon-painting studio is being developed; sisters are trained for a specialty of monumental art in the faculty of church applied arts in the Orthodox St. Tikhon institute where they study traditions of fresco. Patterns made by them serve as a basis for embroidery works. The project of a carved iconostasis of the Protecting Veil of the Holy Mother of God (Intercession) church, the project of wall painting of the Holy Trinity church refectory, the Stt. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow chapel were made in the studio. Icon boards for the iconostasis of the Holy Trinity church and the St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg church were prepared for painting and gilded there.
Gardeners’ society
Gardeners’ society
Medical center
Medical center
Icon-painting studio
Icon-painting studio
Sunday school
Sunday school
Embroidery workshop
Embroidery workshop
Ceramic workshop
Ceramic workshop
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Restoration workshop
Restoration workshop