Current duties of obedience
Current duties of obedience
Свято-Троицкий Ново-Голутвин монастырьPublishing
The club of animals’ amateurs
The club of animals’ amateurs
Convent choir
Convent choir
Gardeners’ society'Вверх по структуре / UpНазад / BackВерсия для печати / Print version

Sisters cultivate gardens and, certainly, take into account an experience of that who has known this business for a long time and loves it. Meetings of gardeners’ society are held in the convent on a regular basis where each participant can tell the others about his achievements and learn their achievements as well. Professors of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev give lectures at the society meetings.
Apricot, pear, berry and apple gardens grow on the convent farmstead and in the convent territory. The pear orchard was laid out by the Most Holy Patriarch Alexy II, on the day of commemorating of the 10th anniversary of the convent. Collection kinds of pears of this garden are brought up from pits and implanted in a garden nursery of the convent.
Gardeners’ society
Gardeners’ society
Medical center
Medical center
Icon-painting studio
Icon-painting studio
Sunday school
Sunday school
Embroidery workshop
Embroidery workshop
Ceramic workshop
Ceramic workshop
Server map



Restoration workshop
Restoration workshop