Current duties of obedience
Current duties of obedience
Свято-Троицкий Ново-Голутвин монастырьPublishing
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Convent choir
Convent choir
Convent choir'Вверх по структуре / UpНазад / BackВерсия для печати / Print version

The conventual divine services are embellished with choir singing which, with a blessing of the Metropolitan, participated in many significant concerts and solemn divine services: in the Assumption cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin during patriarchal worship service, in the Christ the Savior cathedral on its consecration day on August, 19, 2000, on Glorifying of the Assembly of new Russian martyrs and confessors day on August, 20, 2000, and also during many worship services headed by Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Yuvenaly in monasteries and churches of the Moscow region.

Concert performances of the choir during Saxony-Bohemia festival in Germany in June 2000 under the invitation of the Russian international center of cultural and scientific cooperation in Berlin, Dresden, Vrotslav acquainted foreign audience with the beauty of divine service motets of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Participation in the following concerts is also significant: at the All-Russia congress of precentors in the Moscow Spiritual Academy in 1999, in the Kremlin Palace of congresses in an anniversary concert in honour of the 2000th-anniversary of the Nativity of Christ in 1999, in a concert hall "Russia" in an anniversary concert in honour of the 10th-anniversary of the Most Holy Patriarch Alexy II’s enthronement, and also in the Hall of Church Councils in the Christ the Savior cathedral in a concert in the framework of Bishop’s Council in August, 2000; in Moscow regional festival of choral art in May, 2004.

With special awesomeness and diligence sister prepared for a concert devoted to the 75th-anniversary of Alexy II, the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Performance of "Bell vesper" and harmonized by the convent “Glorious island of Valamo” attracted everyone’s attention by great skill and sincerity. The response of the Most Holy Patriarch was both an estimation of singing art of sisters, and a blessing for their further work in glory of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“Your Reverence, Right Worthy Mother Hegumene!

I heartily give thanks to you and conventual choir headed by you for participation in the celebratory concert on June 11, this year in the Hall of Church Councils of the Christ the Savior cathedral on the occasion of our 75th-anniversary and the Day of Patriarchal enthronement commemorating.

With your great skills you made that evening a real feast of spiritual unification of both clergy, and secular people. The concert made indelible impression on all the visitors, and became a true culmination of anniversary celebrations.

I hope, that common efforts of the Church, the state, businessmen, art workers, intelligence will be further directed to creation of spiritually strong and morally healthy society, will serve to strengthening of peace and harmony in our Fatherland.

Expressing my gratitude to you for the work you have done, I wish you strength of spiritual and bodily forces, creative inspiration and success in all good intentions and undertakings.

Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia”.

Gardeners’ society
Gardeners’ society
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Icon-painting studio
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