Current duties of obedience
Current duties of obedience
Свято-Троицкий Ново-Голутвин монастырьPublishing
The club of animals’ amateurs
The club of animals’ amateurs
Convent choir
Convent choir
Farmstead'Вверх по структуре / UpНазад / BackВерсия для печати / Print version
Митрополит Ювеналий с сёстрами на подворье Complying with regulations of ancient monasteries, sisters live on what they have produced themselves, developing agriculture on the conventual farmstead near Karasevo village in the Kolomna district that was given to the convent in 1990. They breed cows, hens, cultivate soil there. To run the farm in a right way, some sisters graduated from the Kolomna agricultural college and continue their studies in the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.Timiryazev.
In convent gardens unique collection of fruit trees and garden cultures such as apple-trees, pears, apricots, cherry, cherry plum, grapes, sea-buckthorn berries, gooseberry, etc. is cultivated. Moreover, sisters let everyone revive “gardens of Russia” by making use of saplings from their nursery.
Gardeners’ society
Gardeners’ society
Medical center
Medical center
Icon-painting studio
Icon-painting studio
Sunday school
Sunday school
Embroidery workshop
Embroidery workshop
Ceramic workshop
Ceramic workshop
Server map



Restoration workshop
Restoration workshop